Planning and maintaining a healthy meal plan is essential for overall well-being, but knowing where to start can sometimes be challenging. 

Thankfully, the new health and wellness app Shaefit has made planning easy. We recently held a meal planning session for our members, and everyone was amazed at how fast and easy it was to plan their meals. Read on the see how they did it. 

About Shaefit 

Shaefit is a revolutionary platform that stands out due to its personalized approach; utilizing your body measurements provides you with a tailored meal and exercise plan. This individualized guidance ensures you receive the right nutrients, leading to more effective and sustainable results.

Starting Your Meal Plan: Exploring the Extensive Food List:

The first step in meal planning with Shaefit involves exploring the platform’s extensive food list. Here, you can find various food options, each categorized based on its nutritional profile. Carefully select the foods that align with your body’s requirements and preferences. Additionally, Shaefit considers the availability of local produce, ensuring that you can easily find the ingredients you need for your meals.


Finding Snacks 

We started our meal plan by looking for suitable snacks. Shaefit allows you to filter food groups based on your dietary preferences and restrictions. This feature enables you to identify snacks that fit perfectly into your meal plan, supporting your nutritional goals while satisfying your taste buds.


Main Meals

Creating balanced and nutritious main meals becomes a breeze with Shaefit. The platform suggests the ideal proteins and vegetables that complement your dietary needs. Shaefit also provides access to a vast recipe library, so a quick search will show hundreds of options if you need to learn how to use the ingredients. 

 The library has mouthwatering dishes catering to various tastes and preferences. Whether you follow a specific dietary regimen or love experimenting with new flavours, Shaefit’s recipe library offers something for everyone.

Add Meals to your plan: 

Once you’ve found recipes that spark interest, adding them to your meal plan is simple and quick. You can customize your weekly meals with just a few clicks, ensuring a diverse and enjoyable eating experience.

Making A Shopping List: 

Say goodbye to the hassle of creating shopping lists manually. Shaefit takes care of that for you too! After finalizing your meal plan, the platform generates an automated weekly shopping list. This feature streamlines the grocery shopping process, saving you time and effort.


Shaefit is a game-changer in fitness and health, offering a personalized approach that caters to your individual needs and preferences. 

From its extensive food list and filtered food groups to its mouthwatering recipe library and automated shopping list, Shaefit empowers you to create healthy and delicious meals effortlessly. Embrace this innovative tool to embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle and a happier you!

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